红树林 - 海岸卫士 Mangroves - The Coastal Guardian
离双溪比力 #土豆的秘密基地 大约十分钟车程的峇眼拉浪海滩, 有一段原始红树林保护区。每当潮水退落的时候, 可以看见无数的小蟹仔爬出洞穴在露出水面的海滩上来回奔跑觅食,一遇到干扰时就会快速奔回洞穴内躲藏。来临的周末, 不如就约几个朋友一起前来和小蟹仔们玩场捉迷藏呗!
The Bagan Lalang beach (Sepang Gold Coast) mangrove forest is around 10 minutes driving distance from Sungai Pelek #smallpotatointhesecretpot. During low tide, a lot of tiny crabs will sneak out to feed themselves. They will immediately retreat into small burrows in the sand if there is any disturbance. Feel interested to play hide & seek with them? Just bring your buddies and come over during the weekend!
The stilt root of mangrove tree develops an underground root system with which it connects the stilt root into the ground and then develops one or more further stilt roots which grow into the air to again run into the ground to develop an underground root system
In order to breathe, the roots send up spikes that rise into the air above the level of the mud.
潮水退落时, 小蟹仔从洞穴中爬出来活动
During low tide, tiny crabs actively come out from their burrow.
Close look on one of the tiny crab
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