隐藏在红树林里的雪邦河渡口 The Hidden Jetty of Sepang River, in the Mangrove Forest

雪邦河渡口, 分隔着马来西亚的两个州属: 雪兰莪州与森美兰州。
雪兰莪州双溪比力新村森美兰武吉不兰律新村(森美兰)的村民使用小渡轮服务往返两地, 将原本需要花上二十余分钟的车程缩短至不到一分钟的船程。
Sungai Sepang, separate two Malaysia states: Selangor and Negeri Sembilan. 
Residents of Sungai Pelek (Selangor) and Bukit Pelandok (Negeri Sembilan) travel between two points by taking the local boat service, this help them reduce the travelling time from 20 minutes driving distance to less than 1 minute. 
小渡轮让彼岸的村民在不到一分钟的时间跨州到对岸去, 途中还可以欣赏宜人的河景。
The boat fetch local residents across the river to the opposite side, take less than 1 minute. During the short journey, you can enjoy the view of the river scenery too.

河口退潮时, 渡口边的红树林就会出现很多招潮蟹从洞穴中爬出。雄蟹具有一对大小悬殊的螯, 火柴般突出的眼睛, 非常特别。
During the low tide, the fiddler crabs that found along the mangrove forest, climb out from their burrows. The males have an over-sized claw, their eyes sit on top of long vertical eye stalks, a very special creature.

At here, you can experience the river crossing and view the nature living of fiddler crabs in mangrove forests. It could be one of the best choice for a ecology trip. 


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