基地客人来访双溪比力 The Guest Visit to Sungai Pelek, Sepang

土豆的大学同学之前有来过双溪比力几次. 而这回再次带朋友逃离繁忙的城市, 来到双溪比力大吃特吃 大买特买.
My university course mate had been visited to Sungai Pelek several times. This round he came again to Sungai Pelek with his friend to EAT and SHOP BIG. 

在HL花园中西餐厅享用大大粒咖哩面包鸡, 龙珠果炒饭, 马铃薯泥配火龙果酱. 再配上一杯浓纯龙珠果汁.
We had our first meal in HL Restaurant and Cafe, the food ordered includes the giant HL curry chicken jumbo bun, dragon fruit fried rice, mash potato with dragon fruit sauce, not forget the pure dragon fruit juice.

之后再到当地每逢星期六才营业的夜市集逛逛买小吃(Kaya Ball和珍珠奶茶等)
Next, we went to the Saturday night market to walk around and buy snack food (Kaya Ball, pearl milk tea and etc)

The next morning, we tasted the local specialty food - Rojak Mee and curry cooked fresh fish. 

然后到邻村丹绒士拔的金龙木薯厂买了很多不同口味的木薯片. 这里的木薯片任你试吃而且一大包才卖十元, 绝对不能错过!
Then we drove to neighbor village - Tanjung Sepat to buy the cassava chips. We bought many different flavors as it is very worth it, just RM10 per pack!  


之后我们在丹绒士拔村里兜了几圈, 在一家比较靠近海的土产店前逗留了片刻, 吹吹海风.
沙滩前有村民替楼梯涂上了漂亮的彩虹绘色, 增添了不少色彩.
After that we walked around the village and stopped by at a shop beside the beach.
There is a staircase had been colored by the villagers and made it very attractive to tourists.

离开邻村之前, 我们经过小黑手工包点买了土豆阿彬最爱的芋头包和梅菜包, 也是这家店的招牌包.
Before leaving the village, we passed by Mr Black Bao to buy my favorite yam bao and mei cai bao, both are the signature of this shop. 

特别感谢Mimi Dragonfruits 咪咪龙珠果的主人特地预留了当天现割的新鲜龙珠果, 还有请吃自制冰棒. 
还有还有百香果切一半, 然后用汤匙挖起来大口大口地吃, 爽!
Thanks to the owner of Mimi Dragonfruits 咪咪龙珠果 reserves few bags of fresh cut dragon fruit for us, and treat us the homemade popsicle.
We get to eat the passion fruit too by cut it into half and dig it out by spoon, the feel is superb!

回家的时候, 朋友的车子已经塞得满满的了. 
The car had been completely filled up before depart back to KL.

希望下次有空再来卡溜, 这里还有很多好吃和好玩的等着你哦!
Hope you will come again soon, there are more tasty food and attractive places waiting for you!
